Every time…


Hello readers.  I know it’s been quite some time, and I mean quite.  I won’t even look back to see when my last blog post was shared.  It’s embarrassing, but never mind that.  The why?  I could give you laundry list of reasons, but if you are a stay at home parent, laundry is a dirty word.  So I will spare you the details.  But I will say that I had three wonderful full years working at my kids’ school doing many different tasks that challenged me and fulfilled me in ways I didn’t expect.  And then?  I was given a new gift recently; one that consumes my every waking moment.  How can a baby be such a blessing and so exhausting at the same time?  Talk about a confusing set of emotions.  Yay! Ugh! Please stop crying! Aww you are so stinking cute I can’t stand it! Oh so beautiful! Oh boy, what a terrible mess of a diaper, yuck!  Look at her smile!  Aww I can’t stand how cute you are!  Just go to bed!!

Yep.  Baby.  Starting over after 11 years and it’s been so wonderful and tiring and fun and  yea. Enough blabbering.  Point is, I’m typing this message out to let you know how I’m doing.  I’m doing great, and really busy!  And this sandwich?  Well, it represents the hustle I put into my meals lately so I can quickly eat something without a child in my lap.  Which is never.  Hence the headline.  Every time… I want to eat?  She cries for me to pick her up.  And so I shall.

And this sandwich? Well, I just got halfway through eating it and she’s crying, and it’s time for me to rescue her once again.  ❤

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