
It’s been a long time since I’ve last written. Two years taking care of our daughter from  newborn to the toddler years can go by like a flash, and once they hit those toddler years, things really take off.  I have reflected on all of this by looking through my photos I’ve taken of my kids and seen how much growth and change has taken place.  When I see how I could literally hold my newborn in one arm at that time, to now where I have to wrestle to actually keep her IN my arms, on my!  It’s really quite humorous to watch a toddler develop; little minds racing into the new day with gusto.  While I sit here in my 45 year old body slowly walking into the day, especially if I get only 4 hours of sleep.  And yes, I admitted my age, because I’m not afraid to say it!  Ladies, walk confident in your age. (rant over)

I’m writing in to tell you about a transition I’m taking in my life – and this blog’s life.  No longer will I only write about recipes, those are lovely, and I like to keep them as my big kids really look to them for pancakes and some other staples and treats.  I will be showing our little lives, and a snapshot perhaps of the day, or maybe an event, or something really amazing that happened.  Also, I have been toying with photography and really love the creativity that goes behind the lens.  It’s challenging and some days I could throw in the towel, but if I had, then I wouldn’t have gotten this photo.fullsizeoutput_1c2f

Or this…


Do you know what it took to get her in this dress? She screamed, kicked and cried for her “tea” dress.  It’s her favorite and I was NOT going to put that one on for two reasons. One, it’s spring colors and I needed a photo with fall vibrant yellows to go with the environment.  And two, she is a model for some companies, and well, this dress is for one of them.  Maybe in this blog I’ll add that in, but for now, I keep that to her Instagram page.  Yes, the kid has her own page. HA!

I’m relabeling this blog to be more of a lifestyle/personal title.  Two teens and a toddler.  How many of you out there are in this same journey?  I’m actually relieved to find quite a lot.  Some days I feel like a lone wolf out here – all of my moms friends with teens are venturing out do more adventurous journeys with their kids while I backtrack a bit, and bring my teens along for the ride to see through the eyes of a toddler.  There isn’t one right way I realize, though there are days I envy their ability to do things like go on a difficult hike to a waterfall, while I research like mad to find just one waterfall I can safely take my child to.  And trust me, this road I have found to be difficult!  There are not so many options, at least from what I have seen.  So, welcome to our lives. I hope you enjoy!

2 replies to “Transitions

  1. Hi Andrea, so nice to see you I understand your not being able to blog due to lack of time, energy, or mental space to think thoughts beyond whatever needs to be taken care of next; just got done doing that myself, only on the other end of the spectrum. (Elderly parents, now deceased.) Caretaking requires giving up parts of yourself during certain times of your life and you’re entering the “busy years” again! Lovely pics of your daughters — keep pursuring your photography dreams! Glad you found a moment to yourself to touch base and no worries about how often. Posting “regularly” seems to have gone by the wayside (although I admire those who do) but I still love a good read. Like I say on my sporadic (but still going) blog: “Your thoughts are valued.” xo!

    1. Glad to hear from you! It’s been a while. 🙂 Yes, care taking is a whole different thing, isn’t it? My mother had passed away 4 years ago (I can’t believe it’s been that long??) and care taking was not something anyone can prepare you for. You just do what you need to do. I’m sorry about your parents… that must have been so hard for you. I will try to write in more frequently, especially with the new direction I’m taking. I’m so glad we still follow each other!

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