Slow Cooked Pumpkin

Slow cooked Pumpkin

One morning I woke up thinking about how I could stuff a pumpkin in the slow cooker to see what would happen.  But then a series of questions started turning in my mind.  What about the stem?  The innards? How would that all react.  And lastly, would a whole pumpkin fit in the pot?

These are the thoughts I’m plagued with when my mind is clear, first thing in the morning.  Really?  A normal person, I would assume, is thinking about work, or the ugly thought of having to get out of bed to let the dog out.  Well, I have those thoughts too, but realty hadn’t set in apparently.

Yes, you CAN slow cook a pumpkin.  No, you need to cut it up and get the innards out, so not only will it cook correctly, but there won’t be a stringy mess to contend with later.

To find the step-by-step details, hit The Happy Housewife’s site with a great tutorial!  In the meantime, I will show some pictures to help you get the idea, and show proof that I too tried this recipe out myself.

What do I plan to make with the pumpkin purée?  I was hoping for Belgian waffles, but I was shut down by my children.  They wanted pumpkin pie.  So… plan on seeing that post shortly!  (Also, just as a side note, I used the seeds for my chocolate bark recipe, which was a big hit in our home!)


pumpkin halved

Cut up pumpkin

Pumpkin puree

6 replies to “Slow Cooked Pumpkin

  1. Great tip! I make a pumpkin rice pudding. Growing up in Ukraine, my mom always made it in the Fall when pumpkins were plentiful. I now make it for my husband and I, and we LOVE it. The recipe is very easy and cooks in 25 minutes on the stovetop.

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