Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs

Chocolate Peanut Butter EggsOh MY! These are the bomb!  I don’t mean to be silly with words, but sometimes it can’t be helped.  Truly these little eggs just explode in flavor in your mouth when you take a bite and it will leave you coming back for more.  I’m a sucker for peanut butter and chocolate together, how about you?  Without question, MANY people tell me the same statement… they can’t help themselves with the combination of flavors.  Why is it?

I was afraid to attempt to make these eggs because I wasn’t sure if the chocolate was molded first and then sealed after peanut butter is placed inside – like a peanut butter cup; OR, the peanut butter egg dipped into chocolate.  The latter is the case and THANK GOODNESS, because that part take very little time.  Actually the whole process of creating these eggs really needs to be shared HOW easy they are to make.  I was really shocked and now I will share with you!

Chocolate Peanut Butter EggsRecipe is from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen:


  • 2 packages (18 sheets) graham crackers, crushed very finely (I bought the already crushed and measured a cup and a shake)
  • 2 cups of creamy peanut butter (I used Natural Jif)
  • 12 TBSP of butter, softened
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • Chocolate candy melts (I used Wilton)


In the bowl of a stand mixer (or hand mixer will work), combine graham cracker crumbs, peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar. Mix on medium low until fully combined. You may have to use your hands to make sure it’s completely blended. (Agreed, this helps fully incorporate all of the ingredients together better)

Shape the mixture into eggs. I rolled it into golf ball sized balls, then formed the egg shape from there. Place on a wax paper lined baking sheet and place in the freezer for one hour. (I made them a tad smaller – they are super rich in flavor)

Once the eggs are frozen firm, melt your chocolate according to package directions. Place the eggs in the chocolate one at a time, and slide a fork under each egg to remove. Place back on wax paper lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with sprinkles and refrigerate eggs until chocolate is set.
Makes about 24-32 eggs (or more if you make them smaller yet!)

Hoppy Trails!!

10 replies to “Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs

  1. Well I wish I had read this BEFORE I made my first attempt at peanut butter eggs! They taste really great but I had the hardest time getting them coated in the chocolate without a mark being left where I had stuck a skewer to dip them. They also started to get soft before I was done dipping them because I only refrigerated them and didn’t freeze them. Next time I will use your tips. Thanks!

    1. Yes, it’s a big help to freeze them first, because the chocolate also quickly hardens on the egg due to the cold temperature of the peanut butter. Well, this recipe gives you another excuse to make them again. 🙂

      1. This recipe sounds great but I have never used graham crackers .. I just always use the buckeye recipe… Do the graham crackers make the eggs at all too dry?

      2. No not at all, but then again, I used Natural Jif in my recipe. It carries a little more moisture than their traditional label. The graham crackers I poured was about a cup of the pre-crushed kind. I found the texture to be creamy and yet a hint of crunch, giving it a great balance. Great question, thanks!

  2. How do you keep the mixture from sticking to everything? I’m balling up the mixture now and for some reason it’s very sticky. Maybe I put too much peanut butter in it, I don’t know. Thanks!

  3. These look awesome. I will have to give these a try…looks simpler than another recipe that I tried for p.b. cups (the chocolate didn’t stick to the peanut butter). It looks like you had no problem with that…they are perfect!

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