Chocolate Pancakes – oh my!

Today I have a very good reason to celebrate with this amazing breakfast!  One year ago, I started blogging, so it’s my official “blogaverssary!!!”  One year ago, I said, “this is stupid, I don’t enjoy writing, why am I doing this?”  Can you believe that I said those things???? One year ago, I had SERIOUS doubts, and I didn’t understand it.

One year ago, I looked at this blogging world in a very different light.

Today, I am here reflecting on what has transformed.  My life has changed course dramatically because of this blog and because of my relationships that I have made through it.  From this, I have found new friends through Twitter and Facebook and more!  I am humbled that I have friends like you that want to take the time to read this and see my work.  Without you, this would just be a private journal/recipe book and nothing more, and I am grateful it is more than that. 🙂

So thank you!

Today I feasted on chocolate pancakes with my kids.  I kept reminding my children that they are being spoiled and should savor this breakfast.  Each time they indulge on mommy’s sweet treats I tell them this same thing.  “Enjoy, savor and keep in mind, you are blessed, for many do not get the opportunity to have such a treat.”  It’s a great message for myself too, and I keep that in the back of my mind.

I want to share this recipe with you and I hope that you will share with others.  Please excuse the photos; my pictures do NOT do the pancakes justice, as the lighting was all wrong today. But that’s life!

In any case, the taste was very awesome.  They carried the yummy chocolate flavor and ended with my secret ingredient… AllSpice!

Enjoy my dear friends!

Much love to you all,



  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 TBSP butter, melted
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. AllSpice
In a small bowl, whisk together the milk, egg, butter and vanilla.  In a larger bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients.  Combine the milk mixture into the dry mixture and whisk together.  The batter is not entirely smooth, so don’t fret about it.  Heat up pan to 325 degrees or medium heat.  Place 1/4 cup of batter onto pan and flip when batter is bubbly.
Serve with cool whip or syrup!  Toss on some fruit or chocolate chips to get fancy if you like!

16 replies to “Chocolate Pancakes – oh my!

  1. Perfect title for this post! And congratulations on reaching the 1 year mark! I especially liked your perspectives on blessings and savoring each moment — how wonderful that you share that with your children. It shows!

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