Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake

Pure indulgence.


A myriad of flavors.

Today I made this Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake as part of a challenge for Willow Bird Baking.  I had plenty of time to prepare for this and of course, I waited until the day all submissions are due to get my cheesecake done.  I think I’m a master of procrastinating, and that’s not always a good thing!  (All bakers will tell you that!)  We had a choice of many varieties of cheesecakes to make from her list, and I probably chose one of the most difficult cakes to make.  I have slacked off this week from baking and I thought it was time to stretch my abilities again.

Rather than repost the ingredients and directions, I’m going to direct you to her page here: Willow Bird Baking.  She is the one I owe the credit to for the recipe, I just recreated it!    It was an awesome challenge to make this cake today, as  I have never made a cheesecake using the water bath to keep the cake from cracking.  Never had to create a ganache to for a cake and decorate with it before. (Just used ganache for truffles.)  And never have made an egg-less cookie dough crust before!  YUM!

So, if you have an event that calls for a high end cake or you just want to indulge, like me, I encourage you to try it!! Does it take time to create? YES!  So plan for the time, and you won’t be sorry.

I really enjoyed making this cheesecake and hope to make more just as amazing!  By the way, if you don’t want to go for all the toppings and cookie dough crust, the coffee cheesecake portion is out of this world!!!  I used Starbucks’ instant coffee for the heavy syrup mix that goes into the cheese mixture.  Call me a Starbucks junkie!

Thanks Julie, for your recipe and challenge you have provided for me today!

8 replies to “Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake

  1. It looks amazing!
    And totally worth the work!
    Gosh, I wish we were neighbours, I’d bring over a few Ventis and we’d could have a slice!

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