Mini Nutella S’mores

I had a major chocolate craving today after my super healthy lunch, and so did the kids.  Something about salads, I love them, and I also want something sweet after I eat them.  Why is that?  I didn’t want to go all out making a big dessert when I really just wanted a bite of chocolate and then carry on with my day.  Plus, wasn’t there a point to eating salad?  Yes, getting back to healthy living!

So, I was invading the pantry for the 4th time to see if something jumped out at me and finally it occurred to me that we have Teddy Grahams, Nutella, and mini marshmallows.  Sign. Me. Up.

You will love the ease of this recipe and the kids can make their own too!


  • Nutella
  • Honey Teddy Grahams (I’m sure other flavors would do just fine too! Hmmm, can you picture the chocolate kind?)
  • Mini Marshmallows
Take one Teddy Graham, coat underside with Nutella, take a mini marshmallow and smash it down to make it flat, then place mini marshmallow on the Nutella covered Teddy Graham.  Coat the another Teddy Graham underbelly and place together into one beautiful bite sized s’more.

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